Sunday, January 20, 2013

What I have learnt from MIS?

I really have learnt so many things during the Management Information System course.

Blogger:  It is a useful social networking tool where I can post any great information on the blog so others can see. If I have a small business, blogger can help me publish pictures and posts to advertise my products.

Twitter: It is one of my favorite social networking sites because I can tweet any useful information where my friends and other people can see. I can add friends and family and see what they tweet daily.

Facebook: A great social networking site where I can add friends, family and other people and see their profile picture. I can also see my childhood friends and school friends too. There are some groups of business where you buy and sell products.

Delicious: It is a useful social bookmarking where I can easily save my favorite websites and I could share it with other people.

Google chrome: It is a useful web browser, much quicker and easier than the Internet Explorer. I can change the theme and save my favorite websites where I can see them on the top banner.

G-mail: It is similar to the Hotmail itself but it has more space and capacity. It is much secure too.

Google Finance: This is a useful website where you can see the daily rates and you can see also the prices of the bonds.

Google Calendar: It is a useful application because you can organize your calendar by appointments and special occasions. As we have so many deadlines this semester, this application can be a life saver and reminds us of the deadlines so we can finish on time.

Picasa: This application is wonderful, because it organizes the pictures and other folders with pictures. It also enables us to edit and add texts on the pictures and it is a photo sharing website too. I liked it so much because it is much easier than other photo-editing programs.

Google Docs: It is a helpful website; if we are a group and have a project to do, this program will help us see the work that is done and any changes that are done to it.

Google Reader: It is useful, because it keeps me on track with the daily news.

Google Search: It is one of the best website ever!! It is really helpful because I can search anything I want. As we are in Dubai Women's College, if we have any projects to do, we can search for the best websites that would be helpful for the project.

Google site: We can create a website for free; it is easy to use and easy to upload pictures too. I liked it but I felt it was a bit hard on me to use.

Google Earth: This is the best 3D earth viewer; you can search for places all over the world. It helped me when I traveled to Turkey.

Google News: This is a great website, because you can see all the updated news. You can see the news as you like, where you can personalize it as you wish, for example, you want to see the fashion news only.

Drop Box: It is a useful online service but I don’t really use it that much. It is an online drive where I can save my work and can use it any other time but I must be connected to the Internet.

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